St. John Bosco was born in Turin, Italy in 1815. When he was two years old, his father died. This future saint, raised by his mother, experienced the pains of poverty at a very tender age. John’s future work was inspired by a dream he had at the age of nine. He wanted to become a priest, especially to assist youth. In order to pursue his dream John had to leave home at a young age to join the city school. Being bigger than his classmates, he was often the object of much ridicule. Little did they know at what cost John finished his schooling. After school he worked as a tailor, a cobbler or a waiter, often studying by candle light late into the night. On completing his education he began his studies to be a priest.
John Bosco was ordained a priest at the age of twenty-six. He was now called Don [Father] Bosco. He immediately began his work with orphans. He opened a hospice for boys where his mother served as the housekeeper. He not only fed the homeless boys whom he took in but also provided them with opportunities for livelihood skills.

He spent long hours teaching them to read and write; he also taught them tailoring and shoemaking and quickly set up a printing press. Above all, he created a family atmosphere of trust and caring. Those who helped him were amazed at the transformation in several youngsters.Soon those associated with Don Bosco and his work began to accept him as their father and guide. Some expressed their desire to become like him. And so, the Salesian Society consisting of priests and lay brothers was born. (The word ‘Salesian’ was derived from St Francis de Sales, a saintly bishop noted for his gentle kindness and holiness. Don Bosco chose him as his personal model and later as the patron of his society.)
The greatest gift that Don Bosco has left posterity is his unique way of educating, a method that was inspired by his one magnificent obsession: “It is enough to know that you are young and abandoned for me to love you very much.”